Valuation One Inc. AMC offers the following residential appraisal products. Contact our appraisal management company for more in depth information than is provided here.. 

Full Residential With Full Inspection

Uniform Residential Appraisal Report (FNMA 1004 / FHLMC 70) Comprehensive appraisal of a single-family home (or PUD unit), including an interior inspection by the appraiser. This is the most commonly ordered appraisal service.

Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report – Interior Inspection (FNMA 1073 / FHLMC 465) Comprehensive appraisal of a condominium unit, including an interior inspection by a certified appraiser.

Individual Cooperative Interest Appraisal Report – Interior Inspection (FNMA 2095) Comprehensive appraisal of a cooperative unit, including an interior inspection by the appraiser.

Manufactured Home Appraisal – (FNMA 1004C/FHLMC70B) Comprehensive appraisal of a manufactured home, including an interior inspection by a certified appraiser (FNMA 1004C).